Saturday, December 5, 2009

Resident Ducks

We have a ton of ducks that have taken up residency at the pond at church. As you can see, they're are some mallards hanging out, but then there are also some that are not quite full-blooded mallards any longer... these are the ones that usually stick around year 'round. I'm not sure what kinds of ducks the mallards originally bred with, but anymore, due to their questionable pedigrees, I like to term these guys "mutt ducks." At any rate, they have it pretty good living at the church. We feed them any leftover bread from services or from pot-lucks plus there is a retirement center across the parking lot. The residents there also feed the ducks pretty frequently.
Well, the downside to all this feeding is that these ducks have become very spoiled... and expectant of a hand-out. I was leaving church the other day, when the ducks started marauding me. I'm not kidding! They starting coming at me, quacking insistently. While they were busy trying to figure out if they could successfully mug me for food, I shot these pics.

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