Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Crazy Cat Art

Before I go and scrub my bathroom mirror, I had to share with everyone the artwork that has appeared there the last couple of days... I'm reminded of the book Why Cats Paint. Although I'm not certain Flatt is as high-brow about her art. Not sure this picture adequately captures the smudges on my mirror, but you get the idea... The skills & techniques necessary to create this masterpiece are captured in the outline below:

Technique for kitty art:
  1. Get drink from toilet
  2. Dip paws in toilet - make sure they are extra wet for additional runs & smears on the mirror
  3. Jump up on bathroom counter
  4. Lean against bathroom mirror with wet toilet-water paws (make sure extra lint & dirt are stuck to paws for additional depth & dimension to image)
  5. Paw at the mirror like an insane kitty trying to escape her evil tormentors
  6. Leave artwork to dry and for kitty parents to appreciate later

1 comment:

thewwchick said...

My cat is too lazy to do art work like that. lol