Sunday, February 24, 2008

Cage Fights!!! (aka Thank You NASA)

Well, those of you who have been reading this blog know that the kittens (aka Flatt & Scruggs) love to wrestle and in fact, were auditioning for CWF (Cat Wrestling Federation) a while back. Well, they have decided after a stint in the CWF that they are ready to move on to something a little more challenging: Cage Fights!

Normally, I would be the last person to endorse cage fights - at least the human variety. I think they are over-testosteronized excuses for barbarity. However, kitty cage fights are a little different as you will see.

Chris & I just purchased a new memory foam mattress topper for our bed (Thank You NASA for that wonderful new space-age polymer that has made our lives more squishy!!!) and this is the box bottom that it came in. This box was sitting in our bedroom while we laid out the topper and of course the girls immediately jumped in it and started wrestling - so Ta Da! A new cat sport was born (I feel the need here to include yet another nod to NASA without whom this new sporting event would have never come to pass).

We have since moved the box into the living room where the box can be both ugly AND unsightly, but the girls can have better access to it. After all, we aim to encourage our kids on whatever path they choose for their lives...

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