Saturday, February 23, 2008

Additcted to Square Dancing?!?

There was a square-dance last night at church. I hadn't square danced since PE class in elementary school and I'm not sure that Chris had ever square danced. There was a caller and live musicians... and a pot-luck dessert for when you needed that little extra burst of energy to keep going! There was a really good turn-out of people of all ages from a little older to really little. Many of the teens & young adults showed up and even a couple of our priests came. Fr. David, pictured above was one of the organizers of the event. (Fr. David's wife pictured in the white sweater below was, alas, the only priest's wife who came.)The caller did such a good job of explaining the dances and the "calls" associated with the moves. He was also really good at being patient with all the little kids who were dancing in the squares to make sure everyone got the opportunity to do the dances and have fun.
And it was fun. In fact, it was a lot of fun. I think even Chris was genuinely surprised at how much fun he had. He had been somewhat hesitant to go and was doing it primarily because I wanted to go and also because he and a friend of ours had a "pinky pact" that if one went, the other one would agree to go too.
There's already talk of the "next" square dance at church. Yippee and Yee Haw!

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