Monday, January 28, 2008

Cat Inventory

You wouldn’t think with only 3 cats that we would have a tracking problem… that is keeping track of the. It doesn’t seem like that many cats. Still, there are some days when an actual inventory of cats is needed before we can leave the house. If you begin to think about it in terms of total # of legs running through the house, there are 12 cat legs, 4 dog legs and 4 human legs for a grand total of 20 legs treading across our floor at any given time. So, we need to make sure that all cats are present and accounted for and that no one has wandered into a closet where she might be stuck for several hours without food, a litter box, or worse yet, no play mate. The young ones have also recently started a campaign to be let outside and barring the likelihood of someone willingly letting them go out, they have started scheming on how to sneak out of the house whenever we open the door for ourselves or for Elmo… one more reason the cat inventory has become a necessary mainstay at our house. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could put bar codes on our cats and then whenever we needed to we would just scan them to make sure we had accounted for everyone.

Vesper? Check!
Flatt? Check!
Scruggs? Check!

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