Friday, November 9, 2007

Treadmill Woes

OK, anyone who knows me knows I’m not the world’s biggest health or fitness enthusiast. However I must admit to having an on-again/off-again love affair with my treadmill. Right now I’m back in the on-again mode with this device that simultaneously imparts both torture and cardio-vascular fitness. I have tried other pieces of equipment over the years, but I keep coming back to my treadmill; I guess it’s because I likethe option of being able to walk or run, plus if I raise the incline, you can actually work some muscle groups while doing your cardio (‘cause I’m so interested in working those muscle groups!). Anyway, the long and short of it is, I’ve had this treadmill for close to 10 years now and it has served me well, but as I was finishing up my walk last night, I noticed that my belt is starting to fray where it is joined together… this can’t be good.

I have an elliptical trainer which I also use regularly, but I still just don’t like it as much as my ol’ reliable treadmill. I know that it is probably possible to get a replacement belt for this machine, but I’m guessing that the expense of the belt plus the installation would get me a good ways towards the purchase of a new machine. This isn’t exactly a purchase I had in mind to make right now, but I guess when you consider the health benefits, it’s worth it. I’m off to check out the Craigslist offerings… maybe I can find someone who doesn’t appreciate the irony of the love-hate relationship you develop with the thing over the years and the fact that if it were gone, they might actually miss it.

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