Friday, November 9, 2007

One big happy (?) family

The girls” are finally ready to start exploring the house. They really want out of our bedroom and have been demonstrating this desire by meowing very loudly and by darting for the door every time it’s opened. So, last night was their first adventure out in to the big, wild, woolly, world that is our house. They loved going into all the rooms and sniffing everywhere… I’m sure that there is Elmo smell and Vesper smell on almost everything in the house, so they really had to check stuff out. As far as they are concerned, everything went really well; they got to see new sights and visit new places. They arched their little backs a bit when they first encountered Elmo and Vesper, but then they pretty much moved on and began exploring without too much concern. As far as Elmo and Vesper were concerned, their perspective was a little different…

Vesper: OK, this was the reaction we saw coming. Vesper was not too excited about the new kids being in her “domain.” She growled and hissed and them, but fortunately, it didn’t go any further than that. Flatt & Scruggs would have liked to been friends with her, but when they saw that wasn’t going to happen, they backed off and pretty much left her alone. My guess is that Vesper and F&S won’t ever be great friends, but as long as they can deal with each other living in the same house, that’s good enough for me. Vesper has never been one to be too excited about sharing her space with others; feline, canine, or other. To her way of thinking, it should just be her and her people – everyone else can go jump in a lake.

Elmo: Now this really surprised me. Elmo is actually afraid of these little balls of fuzzy chaos. He had wanted to meet them so badly for days and now that he has, he’s not sure what to think of them. He was in the same room with them for a bit last night and wouldn’t even look at them. He avoided eye contact altogether and basically wanted nothing to do with them. Both Chris & I were caught off guard by this reaction. We really hope that with some time and work he will get over this initial reaction. He wasn’t like this when Vesper came into the house, but then, Vesper was a full-grown cat, and Elmo has had cats around his whole life. The kittens are a new experience for him.

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