Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The New Kids on the Block

Well, we have some additions to our little fuzzy family. Last night I picked up our two orphans from the shelter. We blame my aunt & uncle who we recently visited in Nebraska for this addition. They are a 5-cat household!?! Chris & I loved being in their house with all the cats wandering around, so we decided that we too could ornament our house with more cats! We found these 2 sisters about 2 ½ weeks ago through the Cat Adoption Team (CAT) here in the Portland Area, visited with them in their foster environment and went through with a pre-adoption as they were not yet ready to be released. CAT will not release their cats unless they have been spayed or neutered. Come to find out, kittens can be spayed as soon as they reach 2 ¼ pounds… which is around 8-10 weeks. This is a lot younger than (I think) they ever used to advocate doing it, but I’m sure glad that that is over & done. One less thing to worry about.

Ever since we knew we were getting “the girls” we have been really hesitant to come up with names for them as we didn’t know if any names we picked out ahead would suit their personalities. But on the way home yesterday (about a 30 minute drive), the girls started in with a “duet” of baby squeaks and mews. From that point on, I knew that the “Dueling Catjo’s” had their names… Flatt & Scruggs. My apologies to Lester & Earl who are probably spinning in their graves about now… we're not positive yet, but my guess is these names will stick.

The girls are sequestered away from their other fury siblings in our bedroom at the moment. We are trying to acclimate them to the house slowly and we’re not sure how the first intoductions are going to go. Elmo is dying to meet them. Every time we come out of the bedroom, he’s at the door trying to peek in to see them. Vesper on the other hand has either not noticed the strange new sounds and smells coming from our bedroom or she is feigning indifference. Either way, were pretty certain that the indifference may escalate in to something more akin to loathing when she actually spies her new sisters. She will not like the idea of having to share her royal acoutrements (she is the Queen after all) with others… she has a tendency to “not play nice in the sandbox.” Yes, pun intended.