Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Velveteria!

As many of you may or may not realize, some Portlanders have adopted a motto for the city of "Keep Portland Weird." You see it around town on bumper stickers and such. Well, in an effort to show you that Portland really is weird and has no worries about losing its weird status, let me present the Velveteria...

The Velveteria is a museum devoted to the art of the velvet painting... yes, that totally cheesy class of art once relegated to only the best dives in town has now been elevated to something worthy of a museum... Caren & Carl have spent the last 10 years of their lives collecting these fuzzy paintings; there is now a collection of over 300 in the museum plus, the added feature... the blacklight room!

The Velveteria hosts a variety of themes including clowns, banditos, as they call them "lovely ladies" and their current featured image is the "Unicornicopia". Alas, this image is not on their website. It is too precious to display to the unappreciative masses.

So, the next time anyone is in Portland looking for something to do, check out the Velveteria. It has made a name for itself and has found notariety from the media, including Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations and CBS Sunday Morning, as well as a segment on NPR. These shows would certainly not lead you astray...
I don't think...

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