Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My camera is MIA!!!

I had friends being baptised on April 26 - an exciting time for us. I packed up all my stuff to take to church with me early in the morning and headed out - Chris was to meet me later. About an hour into working at church I realized I had forgotten the camera - so I called Chris to have him get it... about 5 phone calls back and forth and we realized that neither one of us knew where the camera was. It is not in any of it's "normal" places... OK, just have to rely on others to take the Baptism photos and look for the camera when we get home...

We get home that afternoon and I start looking in all the "not normal" places for it... and it's still nowhere to be found. We don't know what has happened to it, but it's definitely MIA. On the upside, this has given me an excuse to buy a new digital camera. I debated buying an digital SLR camera, but ultimately Chris & I decided the convenience of "pocket size" cameras that can go anywhere with us was preferable. So, this week, I took my birthday money and put it toward ordering a new camera... a Panasonic Lumix TZ5. Now if it would just hurry up and get here!

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