Friday, March 28, 2008

The Three Amigos

OK, they’re not pretty. In fact, they’re pretty gross(I actually had to give these guys “trims” for this photo – they all are hemorrhaging polyfill stuffing out their heads), but these 3 guys are the kittens’ favorite toys. I had to round them up to take this picture; usually they are scattered all over the house. Their names are “Cow,” “Duck,” and “Devil Cat” (yeah, I know, we’re not the most creative people when it comes to naming our pets’ toys) and were given to the girls by our friends Mark & LeAnn for Christmas. The three amigos are just the perfect size for picking up and carrying around in your mouth if you’re a kitty. Also, since they are soft, a sharp claw can grab onto one pretty easily. They can be tossed up in the air for further kitty self-amusement.
I think Scruggs might like these guys just a bit more than Flatt does. For better or worse, Flatt can make almost anything she come across into a toy… Scruggs is a little less “creative;” she really likes real toys (although milk jug rings and plastic soda bottle caps fall into the official “toy” category too). The funniest part of the girls’ self-amusement is that occasionally you can hear Scruggs urgently meow-ing away in another part of the house and at first we thought she was starving or stuck in a closet or something, but when we’d find her, she is fine but just playing with one of these guys and talking to it. We’ve since learned (for the most part) the sound she makes when she’s talking to her toys so we don’t always have to come running whenever we hear her off in another room.

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