Friday, November 23, 2007


Thanksgiving was yesterday. As usual we had a great time over at Linda's (Chris' mom) hanging out with family and eating way too much. Mom and Dad came up as they have for the last few years. We love having them up as part of the festivities - and Mom's contribution is always Macaroni & Cheese - yum!

As usual, Jacob & Madeline stole the show. Jacob has lost his first tooth, which you can't really see in this picture (it's on the lower row) and he's not sure where it is... it's been lost. I don't think we ever had that problem as kids... not when there was cash involved!

We just met Bose(Please forgive me if I've spelled it wrong), Lea's significant other. Lea and Bose just moved to Seattle from Boston. Bose has taken a job working for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - very cool. Alas, Bose is really used to the East Coast and is still adapting to the West Coast way of life. I really hope that he and Lea will adjust. We love having them back on this end of the country where we hope to be able to see them more often.

1 comment:

thewwchick said...'s so nice to see what y'all did for Thanksgiving! Keep posting pictures. It makes us feel as though we're there. :)