Saturday, November 3, 2007

Our Trip to the Beach: Part 1

Chris and I have spent the past week at the beach. Chris’ mom has a beach house that we love to borrow at least a couple times a year - usually once during the fall. One of my co-workers looked at me strangely when he found out we were going to the beach in the rainy season… isn’t that an oxymoron? Not for us, we love to come out here just to escape. Usually the rainier the better – it gives us an excuse to hide out in the house, light a fire, and read. OK, I admit, we do like getting out on the beach while we’re here, but for Oregonians that can be done in the sun or the rain.

This year has been sunny and really nice. Although for most people this is probably a stroke of luck, for us it makes it much harder to just sit in the house and read – and still have a clear conscience. It has been warm enough that having a fire has been difficult. The first night we tried, we ended up opening up the door and a window just to cool off. That night we ended up sleeping with the ceiling fan on high. The next couple of nights we figured out that if we wanted a fire, we would have to light just one log (whoever invented the “presto” log was a genius) and then not add any more but just let the one burn out. That seemed to work pretty well.


maria said...

Nice, Jody! I love keeping track of friends and family this way. This is mine www/
Not much either though:-) Say hi to my godson for me. Wish I had family with a beach house!!!! Our absolute favorite vacation!!!

maria said...

Nice Jody!
I love keeping track of friends and family this way. This is my blog
Nothing much though!! You can only leave comments if you get an account though... which I just did for your blog here soooo......
Wish I had family with a beach house!! Our absolute favorite vacation!
Say hi to my Godson! Hope he is behaving :-)