Monday, November 19, 2007

I went to church Saturday to do my weekly altar flowers and the place was just buzzing with activity… I was there not only to do flowers but to also iron some vestments as we were supposed to change colors to holiday red on Thursday, but since I was sick, it didn't get done on time. There were also a bunch of women, men, & children making fleece hats and scarves for the homeless in the fellowship hall, (they started around 10am and were still going strong when I left at 1pm). Fr. Matthew was up in the church with another parishoner working on an extension so that the choir can stand up front in the church. Even with all of this, the hospitality committee was having a meeting in the kitchen planning the events/activities that will take place through Christmas & the new year. It is such a great church community and I feel like we all genuinely care for one another. So many people take such an active role in supporting our church and making it feel like home.

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