Saturday, November 17, 2007

Can you spot the cat in this picture?

One of Flatt & Scruggs new favorite pasttimes is playing with the plastic "grass" that we have in our front entryway. However, Flatt has decided that the best way to really make sure to whip this grass into submission is to actually crawl into the middle of the plant and attack it on all sides from one central location. This plant, being plastic, can withstand a bit of a beating. Unfortunately, all other plants have had to be removed form the reach of kittens for their sake (houseplants are usually poisonous to cats), not to mention the sake of my plants.. which wouldn't fare nearly as well were Flatt to attack them from a central location inside the pot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, that is adorable!
Hope you guys are doing well!