The cats have put aside their cat wrestling (mostly) for a more "grown-up," sophisticated hobby - home redecorating. Our entire house has been receiving the special decorative touches that only this exclusive kitty-provided service can offer. This week, the focus was my office/craft room where the girls decided that their artistic touches were needed. So one night after Chris & I had gone to bed we heard a crash coming from the room across the hall. When Chris went to investigate, he found that the girls had knocked over a rack of 100+ spools of thread, had continued to disperse the spools throughout the room and wreaked some other havoc in the process. Of course, they thought it was an improvement. I wasn't so sure...
My office is not the only area of the house that they have re-decorated of late. They decided they didn't like the window coverings in our bedroom arranged as they were, so they generously offered their services and "fixed" them for us. They also decided that they didn't like a lamp that was in our garage waiting for repair - apparently it didn't match the decor in the rest of the house, so they knocked it over and made it so we don't have to repair it now! How lucky for us! If any of your are in need of the Kitty Redecorating Service, just let me know... I'd love to lend them out to you for a few hours or even days so your home too can receive that special artistic vision that only 10 month old kittens have. But don't forget, these fickle artists only do their best work after you have gone to bed - so don't be too disappointed if they don't get to work right away.