Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chronicles of a Chubby Runner: Coach Scruggs

For those who might not know it... I have another blog where I post all things about my running... since this one is about Scruggs, I thought it was worth re-posting here...

Chronicles of a Chubby Runner: Coach Scruggs: "I know that most of us that run primarily for reasons of health and fitness don't usually enlist the services of coaches... even if, ideally..."

Monday, January 3, 2011

One of our cats has skillz...

I think a picture is worth a thousand words. I walked in the bathroom this morning and there it was, balancing precariously on the edge of the litter box just as you see it in the picture. Not sure which one of the four cats is the gifted one of the lot, but thought I should brag on him/her anyway! LOL!